Drake R8 Tuning & Logging Program for Windows 3.0 Harold Long, [76576,3412] Compuserve Manual Installation of DRAKE.EXE -------------------------------- This release kit includes the following: DRAKE.EXE The executable INSTALL.TXT These installation instructions USER.TXT User manual PSETUP.DLL Windows Library MHELP.VBX Windows Library ENGLISH.TXT English language broadcasts by country, time, and frequency MEMORY.TXT A sample Drake memory bank layout. 1. Copy PSETUP.DLL and MHELP.VBX to your \WINDOWS directory. They provide support for the printer setup command (under File/Printer Setup...) and peek/poke/inp/out memory primitives. 2. Copy DRAKE.EXE, ENGLISH.TXT, and MEMORY.TXT to wherever you want. They do not have to be on your search path, by the way. A recommendation is that they go on your boot disk (assumed to be C:) in directory "DRAKE" so that the default file lookup will work properly, i.e., in C:\DRAKE. 3. Edit your WIN.INI file and add the following five lines. They can go anywhere in the INI file, at the end is ok. If you set up a different directory layout, modify the file entries accordingly. Other program defaults will be stored here when Drake R8 is run. [DrakeR8] TZoffset=5 LogFile=C:\DRAKE\ENGLISH.TXT MemFile=C:\DRAKE\MEMORY.TXT CommPort=COM1: The TZoffset (Time Zone offset) is the hours added to your *local* time to get Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). For example, Eastern Standard Time is 5, Eastern Daylight Time would be 4. The line "ComPort=COM1:" can be changed to point to COM2: if that is the one you wish to use to connect to the receiver. This may also be changed from within the program. 4. Start Windows and using the "New" command, add a Program Item for "Drake R8" to whatever your favorite Program Group may be -- for example, Windows Applications. Using the "Browse" feature, find/point the new Program Item to where you have stored DRAKE.EXE, and then the Change Icon to check that the Drake R8 Icon is there (if it is, you have installed the Program Item entry properly). 5. Ensure your radio is properly cabled to your computer. A "straight through" cable (typically a DB-9 male to DB-9 female) is required. I got mine from Radio Shack. 6. Print USER.TXT if you want a hard copy reference, I won't call it a "manual." On-line help files will come later, if and when I find my HELP resource compiler. NOTE This program *requires* VBRUN100.DLL to be present in your \WINDOWS directory. It is not included in this distribution kit, but may be downloaded from the Compuserve Basic Forum (MSBASIC) Lib 5 as VBRUN.ZIP